Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Plans for the blog for the summer/year/next year and A NEW BLOG SEGMENT

Hi Everyone.

School is over and all I have left is tests so expect this blog to become a whole lot better. While I do not have a review today I do have a bit of info on my plans for the blog.

1.  Before June 30th I hope to have 26 reviews up.
2. Reviews should be at a regular place throughout the summer.
3. Hopefully in the fall this will be the same.
4. I don't know if this blog will continue next year I hope it will but lets wait and see.

Now for the new blog segment ( I do not think that segment is the right word but it is what I am going to use for now.)

 The point of these blog posts (first will be up latter today) is to talk about other books I have read without giving them full reviews. However their is a rule to this, all the books are stand alones. What this means is they are not part of a series, they are not a prequel or a sequel to another book or have either of these. The author has decided to write the story to be self containing. Now I will also try to use mostly Contemparary Fiction rather than classics many of which are stand alones. The reason is so many books are the sequel to this or prequel to that it is getting tiring. While sometimes the author does not plan a sequel and it just comes naturally, I can handle this. It is when we get planed series after series, I AM TIRED OF IT! Each post will consist of a few parts:
1. Book Summary- Basic about the book section.
2. Why it works as a stand alone- Why the story is contained well in this one book.
3. Movie/Movie plans- This is kinda just to explore Movie/book adaptations a bit which I have not done to much of yet(maybe more coming in the future?!?)
4. Prequel/Sequel- How could they work and how could they not.
5. Recommendation- Do I recommend it or not find out here. 

Like I said the first of these will be up today. I will hope to get about 2-3 a week of these up.

Keep Reading!

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