Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two Reviews: Cardturner and The Stand and my blogging promise


So I am really late do to a hectic life with vaccations, AP exams, Prom, being sick, ectcetera. Anyways I have two new reviews for you with a third (hopefully!) up by tommorow. I promise half the book reviews(26) will be up by the end of June (halfway point!). Then I will give a ranking to every book. So here are my reviews!

Cardturner by Louis Sachar

Grade: B

Cardturner is a book about a boy, Alton, who is forced by his parents to become his uncles cardturner for his bridge games. As the novel progresses we learn various things about his uncle's life, bridge and much more. While I enjoyed the book it was weak for a few reasons. 1. I do not know how to play bridge and it confuses me. 2. The romance that Tori (a girl who used to be his uncle's cardturrner but then corrected him) and Alton that seems to be hanging there for a lot of the book is not resolved. 3. We only breifly met characters who could have been great if expanded on. I did enjoy it but it had its faults. A B is all I can give it due to them.

The Stand by Stephen King

Grade: A

Very few books I have read have had this good of character development. The Stand is a post apocalyptic novel where 99.9% of the world has succumbed to a deadly super flu. King is a master at showing us how the flu spreads and how the characters are affected by it. Each character has a life before the flu and we enter it and see it slowly change because of the flu. This book is long, over 1000 pages, and each page is worth it. I could not imagine a cut version ( I read the uncut original version of the book) because there is so much that happens in each page. However it does drag like most Stephen King novels do. This is one of the main reasons that it is an A and not an A+. The other major reason is it has a very weak climax. Without saying too much the climax is just to flat for a book which built the ending up so much. On another note the book does have one thing that I was impressed by, the falling action. Usually King's stories do not have a defined falling action really ( I have read three before this one novel, two novellas. One of the novellas had falling action). The falling action in this novel however is truly magnificent.

More reviews will come soon till then, Keep Reading!

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