Saturday, June 18, 2011

1984 Review

Oceania is at war with Eurasia, The Party has always been at war with Eurasia.

 1984 is a classic book. The ideas established in 1984 are subject of many literary studies. I found the book to be interesting but over all a bit dry in places. The book is not bad but its not great either. It drags a little bit in the middle but nothing that can't be overcome. The book has so many concepts to take in, the biggest being Big Brother. The phrase Big Brother is watching has become a part of the venacular due to this book. The scary truth is we are proabally not far off from Big Brother at this point in time. Think of all the cameras in a public place, the ability to trace and listen to phone calls, did you use a credit or debit card today? I bet you did and that can be traced. Right now just by typing this on to the internet you can trace me. By you reading this you could be traced. The fact is that Big Brother is not fiction or not fully. If you have not seen the show Big Brother it is well worth watching an episode to understand the principle of Big Brother. As is reading the book Little Brother by Cory Doctrow which also explores the topic ( this is a great Stand Alone and is my next book for that expect a post soon). There is other things which intrested me. One in particular is interesting that I may make a parallel with in another book. Overall this book gets a B from me.

 Remember Oceania is at war with Eastasia, The Party has always been at war with Eastasia.

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