Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stand Alones: Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher

The First of my Stand Alone segment is Thirteen Reasons why ( the title shows the covers spelling with the numbers) by Jay Asher. This is an ambitious first novel by Asher (which is out in paperback today so pick it up) that I loved.

Book Summary: Clay just got a package that is a shoebox with 7 tapes, he finds out after opening the package the tapes were recorded by Hannah his former crush. If it is not strange enough already Hannah is dead, she just recently committed suicide. He plays the tapes which are revealed to be a sort of suicide note, the tapes contain the thirteen reasons that Hannah killed herself. Each of the people who are part of the reasons is being sent the tapes and they must listen and pass them on to whoever had the next story. If they don't the person who Hannah intrusted in keeping an eye on them will make public a second copy of the tapes. We follow as Hannah and Clay narrate a story of why she killed herself as well as much more including Clay having to come to terms that eventually he will be on the tapes and he has something to do with her death.

Why Stand Alone?- First off the fact that one of the two narrators is dead makes it nearly impossible to have a sequel. In addition going back in time for a prequel makes this book unneeded. So a stand alone is truly the only good way to do this. This books feel is very much so that there will be no sequels and as the book tells the back stories, no prequels.

Movie- No movie yet but it is in the works with Selena Gomez as Hannah. How this will transition into a movie should be interesting to say the least. There is a few ways they could do it. They could just show Clay and play the tapes over top. They could play the tapes with flash backs of the scene. Whatever they decide I will at least give it a chance.

Prequel/Sequel- As said before their is no possible way to continue this story. In a way I like that it gives me confidence that  the author will not try to make a quick buck off a halfhearted book.

Recommendation- READ THIS BOOK! It is probably in my top 30 or 40 books ( I have probably read close to 150). The character development of Hannah and Clay and everyone else is fantastic. There is no reason not to pick this one up in paperback. EDIT 7/29: No I am not editing saying not to read this book but to add to my comments. After having re read the book I am positive that it is not top 30 but top 20. This book is very powerful and needs to be read by anyone who gossips or has heard gossip. It shows how it can snow ball into something huge and cause something horrible to happen.

Thats all for now Keep Reading!

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