Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review of Night and Week 10 Book

Hello Everyone.

So I have been just tired from my show that was this previous weekened. However here is my review of Night.

Grade: B+

Its a good book but its not great. Night is a true story of the authors time during the Holocaust. Now lets get one thing staight I am a VERY sesitive person when it comes to the Holocaust especially as I am Jewish. I have also read a lot of Holocaust novels both fictional and true stories. This one is emotional but not at the emotional level that I saw in other novels such as Diary of A Young Girl (Anne Frank's Diary) or I Have Lived a Thousand Years both of wich are also true stories. One factor is the lack of detail.  The book is short a little over a 100 pages. The book is still a great book that all people should read as a diffrent prespective on the Holocaust.

Now for this weeks book. The book for this week is Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. More to come later this week.

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