Monday, March 28, 2011

Review of 2 Books

I know I am a little late but here is my review on Finikin of the Rock and The Great Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby
Grade: B+

So this book is really good. It tells the story of Gatsby, a wealthy man in the 1920s through the eyes of Nick. This view point is interesting and I like books that take this turn such as Lemoney Snicket's books and The Book Thief (Both are must reads by the way) however Nick was too involved and honestly got in the way of Gatsby's story. I enjoyed the book and found it to be a great read but was not taken away by it.

 Finikin of the Rock
Grade: A-

This book was Great. The author was one I had read before and truly enjoyed. This book is a fantasy vs the realistic fiction that she ussually writes. However that made it just even better. The twist that she pulled in the novel shocked even me who picks up on twists like the one she used right away in most cases. The story is of a group exiles being lead by another who supposedly knows where the long lost heir to their land which was taken over by a false king. I feel like I would enjoy her going back and writing prequels to this to describe more of the poltics of the story. It would greatly add something.

Thats all for now but more is to come on these books as well as all the others soon.

Till then
Keep Reading.

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