Sunday, March 13, 2011

Book 11 and Frankenstein Review.


I'm getting a little better its only Sunday and I have my first post of the week up. Anyways my book for this week is another classic novel the 1925 novel The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald. Now for my review of Frankenstien.

Grade A:

First a little thing I learned from my planner. Mary Shelly first published Frankenstein in 1818 on March 11. Upon seeing this I immediately marked in my planner to make my book for that week Frankenstein the classic novel of a mad scientist who creates a horrible beast from dead humans. The back of my copy had a note first time readers leave all thoughts from movies behind there is no flat headed, neck bolted monsters in this book. Indeed there were not but there is of course still a monster. Unlike what most popular culture portrays this monster as however he is not just a killer but rather simply a human made from parts of dead bodies. He learns to speak and rationally think and hate. The book is terrific, an interesting point of view setup, great writing by Mary Shelly, and most of all a terrific plot. Do not let the movies deceive you, read Frankenstein I assure you will not forget it. 

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