Monday, April 11, 2011

I am a horrible blogger!


I hope I have not lost my small audince. Rest assured change is coming and I will be blogging more. That said here are a few things.

1. I was going to rank my first 13 books but could not do it so that will have to wait until week 26, halfway point.

2. My book for week 14 was Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare and week 15, this week, is Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.

3. Review of Merchant of Venice will be up tomorrow.

Now here is my week 13 book review

Book: Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Grade: B-

For starters this is a good book. Not great but good. I thourougly enjoyed it but it was long winded. This was to the extremity of the term. The story is about life in both France and England during the French Revolution. The cast of characters is large but not completely overwhelming at most points. The intricate details that the author puts in are good  but I think it would work better if it was broken up. In fact it at first was orginally published as a weekly serial for 32 weeks. This is a lost art form as people do not read serials any more except in comics and watching them on TV. I think however this format could still work in today's society especially with the rise in eBooks. This is in fact starting to happen and I would love to see more of it.

Keep Reading!

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