Thursday, February 17, 2011

Late Post: Book for this week and review of last weeks

Sorry this post is really late. I have not really had a chance to write it for a while. Here are the updates

1. My book for this week is Tempest by William Shakespeare.

2. Last week's book Stranger in a Strange Land Uncut did not go to well. I finished 2 days behind however that is ok as I have a new rule to implement. The rule is:
1. If a book is not finished by Friday both books for the following week must be finished by next Friday.
2. This can only happen every other week at most. So it can not happen this week but could next.

3. Stranger in a Strange Land gets the score of a B. The book follows Mike Smith a human born and raised on Mars. He is not accustomed to human traditions and ways and the story follows him learning them. Before long he picks up on many of them however some are harder for him to grasp. This includes religion which he finally grasps but in a different way, he creates his own. The book is good but it drags a bit in places, I guess this is why it was cut originally. The book has some great and interesting things in it such as the "water brothers" idea and fair wittness. It is very interesting to see what the author could not imagine. This included digital video, as far as I could tell the internet and cell phones it look like.

Thats all for know so Keep reading.

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