Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 8 Book and Review and Book 7 review

Lots to talk about today.

1. My book for this week is The Miles Between by Mary E Pearson. Which I have already finished.
2. I am going to make my review of the Tempest as brief as possible. It gets a D.Why? I could not understand it what so ever. I wish I could but at last no. There is not much more to say so.
3. The Miles Between by Mary E Pearson is GREAT. A solid A- is the grade I give it. I started the book not knowing what to expect. By this I mean I had read one book by her already and was surprised where she went. That book is The Adoration of Jenna Fox and is just as great as this one. The story follows Destiny(Des), Mira, Aidan, and Seth on a road trip after Des finds a car and asks Seth to drive her for a ride. The other two see them and ask to come and they decide to drive to Langdon a town 76 miles away. The story is filled with just enough twists and turns to make it an amazing novel. I will not ruin it but lets just say that Des has a secret so big she doesn't even want to admit it to her self. I can not wait to read another novel by this author.
4. Because I know I will forget my next book is Night by Elise Wiesel. Don't expect a review up until March 7th.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Late Post: Book for this week and review of last weeks

Sorry this post is really late. I have not really had a chance to write it for a while. Here are the updates

1. My book for this week is Tempest by William Shakespeare.

2. Last week's book Stranger in a Strange Land Uncut did not go to well. I finished 2 days behind however that is ok as I have a new rule to implement. The rule is:
1. If a book is not finished by Friday both books for the following week must be finished by next Friday.
2. This can only happen every other week at most. So it can not happen this week but could next.

3. Stranger in a Strange Land gets the score of a B. The book follows Mike Smith a human born and raised on Mars. He is not accustomed to human traditions and ways and the story follows him learning them. Before long he picks up on many of them however some are harder for him to grasp. This includes religion which he finally grasps but in a different way, he creates his own. The book is good but it drags a bit in places, I guess this is why it was cut originally. The book has some great and interesting things in it such as the "water brothers" idea and fair wittness. It is very interesting to see what the author could not imagine. This included digital video, as far as I could tell the internet and cell phones it look like.

Thats all for know so Keep reading.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week # 6 Book and Review of The Kite Runner

Hey. I am late again but here is my review of the Kite Runner as well as what my book for this week is.

This weeks book is Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein which is interesting so far. I am reading the uncut edition of this book.

Now for the Kite Runner. This book is without a doubt an A+ book. This is a book that I read based on suggestions. A few different people suggested this book when I told them I had never read it. It is a remarkable book and if you have not read it yet I highly recommend it. The plot follows Amir from the time he was a young child in Afghanistan well through his adulthood. It can be broken down into three parts. Part 1 tells his time in Afghanistan with his best friend Hassan. It is during this part that one incident happens that is the cause of Amir's mindset and actions for the rest of the book. Part 2 is about Amir's life in the US after him and his father flee from Russian control. Part 3 rounds out the book with the tale of Amir going to Pakistan to see an old friend who is dying and his request of Amir. The book is fantastic with an amazing story and characters. There is not much I can say without ruining it. I hate spoiling books which is why a lot of my reviews are short and to the point. This book is a true tale of friendship, determination, and so much more.

That's all I can really say. Until next time keep reading.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Review: Death of a Salesman and Book of the Week: 1/29-2/4


I have two things to talk about today.

1. My book for this week is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

2. I am going to review my book from last week the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. I give the play an A. The play tells about the events that lead up to the death of the main character, Willy Loman. Much like last weeks book this play is aptly titled as the book truly is not about his life but just about the events that lead to his death. The most interesting piece of the play is the disorganized Alzheimer's like dream sequences that are crucial to the story.  All said and done this tells only a few stories. However it is this stories that are crucial parts of  the idea of the book. In total the play tells a great story using the amazing characters it has but can tend to be confusing during the dream sequences. Overall though the play is great and I would highly recommend it.