Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Are Books? A poem and interactive poster.

Hey so this is a fun thing a thought I would post. For are graph design class we had to make a poem and then using typography skills make a poster and upload it to a site called Prezi. As the poem I wrote deals with books I thought I could put it here. So down bellow is the prezi poster so check that out if you want. Also here is the full text for the poem
What Are Book?
Books are they just words on a page
are they so useless or are they more.
The words could be like players on a stage,
or like garbage on the floor.
The covers could be the stage's curtians,
or the back and front doors of a house
filled with garbage like fish in the oceans.
In the end books can be to celebrate or grouse.
So who is to decide which one it should be.
Is is it only up to the scholars who study it.
NO! It is up to you who read to see;
what books can be and if you see it fit;
books can be the doors to new places.
That will be celebrated throught the ages.

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