Sunday, January 23, 2011

Book of the Week and Book Review of All Quiet on the Western Front

Hi Everyone.

So I promise to get more on schedule soon. However I did not forget that I need to review my book from last week.

First of all my book for this week is Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller copyright 1949. I am also reading two books for two diffrent book clubs, Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein and Marcelo in the Real World by Francis X. Stork.

Now for my Review of All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque.

Grade: A+

This book could be the best book I read for this project. I know it is only Book 3 and there is still 49 to go but it is that good. The book is about a group of freinds who are convinced by their teacher to inlist in the german army during World War I. It is a moving book from the first scene. I feel like to understand the book describing this scene is neccesary. In this scene the cook makes food for 150 people and around him come 80 people. He says they must wait for all the men in the company to come. When they reply they are it the rest are injured or pushing up daisies. He rufuses to pass out all the food and says they will only get one ration each. This angers the soliders who are all hungry. The commander finally convinces the cook to give out all the food. The line that I truly love in this scene is "You have not drawn food for eighty men. You have drawn food for the Second Company. Good. Let's have at it. We are the Second Company" When Katczinsky (Kat) says this I feel like the entire book into motion. This is a story about war but it is not the fighting that makes it so powerfull. It is scenes like the one described above and the scenes in the hospital or when Paul, the narrator, goes on leave that make this book fantastic. The characters of this book especially Paul, Kat, Kropp, and Tjaden are so moving its no wonder this is
the best war novel of all time.

The tittle for this book is another point I would like to make. As a aspiring writer I know that tittles are crutial. A good title that is both attractive and relavente to the story. For instance the title for the last Harry Potter book is both of these. On the other hand titles that are not very relevante not good such as Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian. These book luckely falls into the first category and while the question as to why it is called that is not answered till the end of the book it truly strikes a marvelous cord.

In summary this book is a combination of fantastic writing, marvelous and realistic characters, and a fantastic story makes this probally the best book I have read in a while. I will not say it is going to be the best book of this project but its most likely in the top ten.

I will have more for you as the week goes on. Til then Keep Reading.

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