Friday, January 7, 2011

Book Review of Life of Pi.


Two days ago I finished Life of Pi by Yann Martel. As promised I will now review it.
(Note: this is a general format for my book reviews.)
Book Review for: Life of Pi
Author: Yann Martel
Grade: A-

Reason for reading:
When I first got the idea of this book my Friend asked me if  I had read Life of Pi yet. I had heard of the book and personally owned a copy of it. I told him I owned it but had not read it and he told me I absolutely had to read it. I said I would read it first and so I did.

Rational for Grade:
This book was great. It had good characters, good plot, good setting, I liked every thing about it. So why not a A or A+? I didn't love the entire book. I liked it and I loved a good part of it but it was not a book that I will want to read again and again. Now don't be upset over a A- thinking its a bad score, its not. Here is a chart I found that shows how I view the letter grading system.











below 60/F/0

I would personally separate A+ and A-
A+  would be 98-100
A  would then be 94-97

Discussion of the Book:
This book was a great one as I have said. It is not my favorite book  of all time but it is very good. The book is told in three parts. The first tells of Pi's life before he and his family board the boat towards Canada. However it does something more important it introduces the main theme of religion and gives some background into zoology. Both are very important. The next part shows us the main story of Pi stuck on a boat with a tiger. This is the main story of the book. It is a well written story that truly hooks you. Even though you know that Pi survives do to it being him who is telling the story you are on the edge of your seat. This is part is a great story of survival and its use of religion and zoology make it even better. The third part is the only part not told through Pi's eyes. It gives an alternate story of Pi's time on the life boat. I will not spoil this but will only say it makes you rethink most of the book.

I hope that a few people will be motivated by this review to read this book and if you have already read it I hope it sheds some more light on it for you.

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