Monday, July 11, 2011

Response to Harry Potter Books 1-3 Re Reads

Hi There. As I stated before I will be posting responses about all the books. As I have just finished the third book I figured I will put the first 3 into one post. WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD FOR ALL 7 BOOKS!!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone:

The first book always seemed magical. Even after reading the book and flipping through the pages and seeing the movie dozens of times it still is  The first book has this sense of wonder to it. The first book also has a bit of foreshadowing to it. The idea of a dragon in Gringotts, Grindewald and Sirius's mentions, and Dumbledore's possession of the invisibility cloak even though he states he does not need one to be invisible are just a few. The biggest however is talk of the power of love which holds great importance in the books. In the end this book is a stage setter. It introduces main characters and a few main ideas that are carried on.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:

The second book nicely ties in with the first as it is just setting the stage for later books. Particularly book 2 sets the stage for book 6. This book is very similar in the fact that the Trio (Harry, Ron, and Hermione also HRH) encounter a problem and must try and solve it. In this case who is the Heir of Slytherien and what is petrifying the students. Book 1's problem dealt with what Fluffy was guarding and who and why did some one want it. The main purpose of Book 1's problem is to establish that Voldemort was in fact alive. Book 2's problem similarly establishes that Voldemort is a Half-Blood named Tom Marvlo Riddle. The main foreshadow is  Harry having a piece of Voldemort inside of him.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

This book is both different and similar to the first two. I will be honest that I always disliked book 3 a bit. I think if I can make it through the series I will appreciate it more. However my appreciation of it has gone up. I like the fact that it nicely sets up the Marauders. They are important for latter on in the story. Especially the idea of James and Snape hating each other. There is no denying that the ending of this book is  brilliant. The time turner makes a great twist to the story. Trelawny has two great foreshadowing moments with her prophecy and seeing the grim. I do agree that it is a breath of fresh air to the series that the problem that they must face and research aspect is not in this book. In fact the next time it appears it is a sub plot in book 6. I will not say more about this book because I will leave it as is untill I finish reading the other novels. Maybe it truly does set up enough to be one of the best novels of the series.

I hope to have book 4 done by tommorow. Then comes the monster, Book 5.
Keep Reading

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