Friday, July 29, 2011

Long over do Post: Two stand alones and A review

Hey so I have been very bad with blogging recently. First I am sorry I never finished my thoughts on Harry Series maybe eventually I will. I have a review today hopefully another one soon and also two standalone posts. First the review. Its for Extremly Loud and Incredibly Close by John Safron Foer.

Book: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by John Safron Foer.
Grade: B-
This book was good but not great. The idea was good but for me to similar to another book I read. The book was about a boy who suffered from depression after 9/11 where his father died in the attacks. He finds in his closet a vase with a key but does not know what it opens. The book also had a sub plot involving his paternal grandparents past which while interesting I did not think tied into the main story. The ending result of the main plot was as it was suppose to be, disappointing. Without saying too much I felt the same way the character did but for a different reason. I was let down by the author and not the characters. The finale of the book was good however I feel like it could have ended a few pages before with the letter from Steven Hawkings. Like I said not a bad book but nothing special.

The Stand Alones post is going to be a separate post which will be up not long after this one.

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